Road transport – France / Luxembourg – Valenciennes

Camion Transport Bail
Camion Transports Bail
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Road freight transport

Containers and solid bulk

National and international France / Benelux / Italy / Allemagne / Espagne

Express contact
+33 (0)6 09 50 61 67

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Transports Bail is made up of 4 establishments, two in the north of France near Valenciennes, one in Luxembourg near Remich, and another in the Ardennes around Sedan.
They constitute a growing entity, in human size, young, dynamic and ambitious.

Activities : constantly evolving services


  • National et international chartering : – Partial or complete loads
    – Plateform trailer, exceptional load
  • Logistics services : – Reception
    – Storage and inventory management
    – Expeditions

Discover our logistics and rental solutions

As you know, logistics is the backbone of our transport business! As business organization is not limited to the transport of goods, we now offer you new additional services. Rental of storage areas, rental of industrial buildings, rental of open-space offices and offices with boxes, etc.

Spécialist of flows

Flux de transport en Europe

France – Luxembourg – Belgique – Netherland – Germany – England – Spain – Italy – Portugal


A confirmed experience :

  • Qualimat certification
  • Just-in-time long flows for the car industry
  • Flows for the mass-market retailing with all its constraints
  • European flows long distance of vrac
  • Container flows from Zeebrugge, Anvers and french ports
  • Warehousing and deliveries